Everyone’s home is their sanctuary. What does this mean? It should be a place where you can truly relax and be at ease. A place you look forward to coming back to and one that you have great pride in. The wonderful thing about this is that it is, once again, very individual. Some may find clutter calming, others would not. Some may like deep or bright colours and others may select more muted tones.

Your Home is Your SanctuaryWe have the pleasure of being invited into people’s home in order to help them create their sanctuary. We take great pride in this and enjoy the process of creating beautiful spaces for people to enjoy.

Creating a Sanctuary

Keep Clean

This does not mean that you can’t have personal belongings in the area. It also does not mean that you have to be clinical about what you choose to have in the room. It does mean that it is a good idea to regularly clean the area so that it isn’t dirty. We all know what we are comfortable with, and it is important to build a space that supports just that.

Let Lighting Guide You

The way in which you choose to illuminate any room will have a big impact on how you feel in that space. Warmer lighting is supportive of creating a restful feel. Whereas bright fluorescent lighting is unlikely to help you switch off and unwind.

Consider Comfort

We all tend to spend a lot of time in our homes. To create a really comfortable and inviting area, it is a really good idea to consider seating and soft furnishings. All of these go a long way to creating a sumptuous space.

We have been working with our clients on a few different decorating projects within their beautiful home. We have always been inspired by their ability to bring different elements together in order to create the most wonderful rooms. Some may feel they have been daring with darker colours. We feel they have brought everything together to create the perfect sanctuary, their home.

If you are looking for a time-served and skilled painter and decorator, please get in touch by calling 01477 535862.